Freundeskreis Europäischer Modellbahner eV.



Allgemein Anmeldung Übernachtung Verpflegung Ablauf Praxisseminare Arrangements & Betrieb Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung 2007
general registration accommodation catering schedule practical excercises module layouts & operation invitation to members congregation 2007
Allgemeen Aanmelding Overnachting Eten en drinken Programma Praxisseminare Arrangements & Dienstregeling Einladung zur Mitgliederversammlung 2007

lectures and practical exercises

The meeting takes place at the Kopernikus grammar school. Actually we have designated to use 'Aula' (auditorium), break hall and several other rooms.

This annual meeting focuses mainly on the Convention. Several lectures and practical exercises are scheduled.
Responsible for coordination is Thomas Woditsch. If anyone wants to play a part in the convention, please send Thomas a mail.
We can use rooms provided with modern media techniques like as Beamer or PC. Perhaps we can offer a little study trip to railway-places at Rheine and nearby.

Nearly all lectures are held in german language only. We are very sorry about that, but there was not even one offer for an "international lecture".
As german language is needed anyway, we hope you appreciate, that we won't supply a table of the offered lectures in english, please see the german version of this page. There you also can enrol for participation. (Enrolement is voluntary, just to support the arrangement of the timetable.)

Steam Train

Independent of our convention a customers fair will take place in Rheine near the channel harbour. Therefore a historic steam train offers a little journey on sunday. You can get further information at the website of "Eisenbahn Tradition" Lengerich:
timetable & information